Call me old fashioned, but I think there's nothing better than holding something creative in your hand. Whether it's a beautifully bound book, zany album artwork or a detailed drawing, nothing quite beats that sense of ownership you get from tangibly possessing items. Whilst I welcome all the advancements this digital age has to offer, I feel this notion is slowing eroding. As a result, when folk pop duo Slow Club released their second album 'Paradise', I opted to spend an extra few pounds to actually own the cd. I certainly wasn't disappointed! Not only is the album a fantastic follow up to their debut 'Yeah So', packed full of the same uncomplicated happy beats that keep Slow Club high on my recently played list, but the album artwork brought a smile to my face. After having seen the duo play King Tuts this month, this artwork, to me, reflects the band's personality and adds so much more to the album than a digital download will ever be able to offer. Whilst Slow Club are from Sheffield, I have noticed Glasgow is definitely seeing a surge in this type of creativity. I welcome it with open arms and hope you do too!